ChemicalWatch Expo (ChemicalWatch Expo)
Physical Exhibition
Wed, Dec 09 2020 - Fri, Dec 11 2020
New York
Virtual Exhibition
Wed, Dec 09 2020 - Fri, Dec 11 2020
Organizer :
A three-day virtual event bringing together our global community of stakeholders in the chemicals industry, featuring an exhibition and practical, informative sessions. “Thank you for an amazing opportunity, sharing ideas and networking during the Chemical Watch Expo. The organisation was highly professional and I believe that the event fulfilled our expectations.” – Jan Holomek, ReachSpektrum. “One-stop shop for information applicable to my industry and role. The Chemical Watch Expo offers me the opportunity to network, listen to a variety of speakers on a range of topics relevant to my role.” –Jeanette Buonocore, Nuheara.