
CTI SYMPOSIUM - Automotive Drivetrains | Intelligent | Electrified

CTI SYMPOSIUM - Automotive Drivetrains | Intelligent | Electrified (CTI)

Physical Exhibition
Mon, Dec 05 2022 - Thu, Dec 08 2022
Estrel Hotel Berlin Berlin
CTI SYMPOSIUM Berlin provides a professional platform with unique networking opportunities extending beyond single sectors. It focuses on Markets, requirements, strategies, developments, solutions, Transmission and drive train concepts for passenger cars and commercial vehicles, From conventional to innovative and electrified, from hardware to software.
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Sonnenallee 225, 12057 Berlin, Germany


In 2002, the CTI SYMPOSIUM has been established as an annual international meeting place on latest automotive transmission, hybrid and electric drive technologies in Germany. Since then, CTI SYMPOSIA have expanded to the USA and China. They have become the only international event series in this dedicated topic area.

In total over 2,400 representatives of the automotive community make the CTI SYMPOSIA worldwide the top event for the automotive powertrain, transsmission and component industry.

Each of the events is accompanied by an impressive exhibition with leading manufacturers and suppliers showing latest products and solutions. Every year the programmes are filled with hundreds of presentations showing latest developments and findings and giving an outlook on what the automotive market will look like in the future. All told, this make the CTI SYMPOSIA a unique platform to get technology updates and do business.

As special features, the CTI SYMPOSIA start off with introductory seminars and provide the opportunity to experience latest applications of transmissions and drives in practice during the CTI Test Drive in Germany and the US.

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