Bloomsburg Nationals (Bloomsburg Nationals)
The Team at Bloomsburg Nationals has made the difficult decision to not host the annual Bloomsburg Nationals Auto Show and Swap Meet, scheduled for August 13-15, 2021, at the Bloomsburg Fairgrounds as we were not able to come to a mutual contractual agreement for the rental of the grounds that supported all entities involved while still generating funds for the local charities Bloomsburg Nationals supported. The Team at Bloomsburg Nationals will settle any outstanding debts, including refunding all 2021 pre-registered participants/vendors monies in addition to sponsorship donations, liquidate any assets and all remaining monies will be equally shared by the charities we supported. The Team at Bloomsburg Nationals feel blessed that we were able to generate funding in excess of over $60,000 for local charities while providing family fun for all that attended over the 4 years at the Bloomsburg Nationals. The Team at Bloomsburg Nationals are deeply saddened about this and thank all who were a huge part of making the show a success including all families, friends, volunteers, sponsors, participants, vendors and spectators, we could not have done without all of you.